HOW is RTT different from traditional therapies?

2020 has been such a struggle for everyone, we live in such a fast paced society. Most people do not have time to commit to regular therapy, reliving the same issues month in month out. In just one session RTT achieves permanent rapid results getting to the root course. Some deep rooted issues may need more then one session, but no more than three. 


You are completely safe and in good hands. Hypnosis is sleep of the nervous system. Your mind is in an alpha state and your body is relaxed. you can’t be made to say or do anything you don’t want to. You are completely in control. 

Is an online session as good face to face?

100%, I treat clients all around the world, they feel complete relaxed and at ease in their own environment. Sessions through zoom or skype are easy and carefree. 

Can RTT help with long term physical health issue?

Yes. Our bodies and minds are intrinsically connected. Healing the mind can release stress and trauma held in the body for years. Helping to relieve physical issues.

“Change your thinking, change your life” 

Does RTT involve regression?

Yes. Regression is a fundamental part of RTT, It’s important to remember your just reviewing the scenes your subconscious mind finds relevant to your individual issues, not reliving them. 

Why is holistic health so important?

We are more than just our physical bodies. Our emotions, thoughts and lifestyle all play a massive part in our general well-being. It is important we address all these factors when bringing balance back to the body.

How much commitment will I have to put in?

You have to be committed about making a change. Whether its changing your diet, being kind to yourself, or listening to an audio for 21 days. Your results will reflect your level of commitment. 

How long before I start to see changeS?

We are all individuals and unique in our own ways. Changes can range from:
Instant: You feel a massive shift right away
Cumulative: Daily, weekly, monthly you will see changes
Retrospective: You think that nothing’s happened, then one day you realise life has completely changed for you, in such a beautiful way.

"focus on how far you have come not how far you still have to go” 



HOW is RTT different from traditional therapies?

2020 has been such a struggle for everyone, we live in such a fast paced society. Most people do not have time to commit to regular therapy, reliving the same issues month in month out. In just one session RTT achieves permanent rapid results getting to the root course. Some deep rooted issues may need more then one session, but no more than three. 


You are completely safe and in good hands. Hypnosis is sleep of the nervous system. Your mind is in an alpha state and your body is relaxed. you can’t be made to say or do anything you don’t want to. You are completely in control. 

 Is an online session as good face to face?

100%, I treat clients all around the world, they feel complete relaxed and at ease in their own environment. Sessions through zoom or skype are easy and carefree. 

Can RTT help with long term physical health issue?

Yes. Our bodies and minds are intrinsically connected. Healing the mind can release stress and trauma held in the body for years. Helping to relieve physical issues.

“Change your thinking, change your life” 

Does RTT involve regression?

Yes. Regression is a fundamental part of RTT, It’s important to remember your just reviewing the scenes your subconscious mind finds relevant to your individual issues, not reliving them. 

Why is holistic health so important?

We are more than just our physical bodies. Our emotions, thoughts and lifestyle all play a massive part in our general well-being. It is important we address all these factors when bringing balance back to the body.

How much commitment will I have to put in?

The choice is yours. Whether its changing your diet, being kind to yourself, or listening to an audio for 21 days. Your results will reflect your level of commitment. 

How long before I start to see changeS?

We are all individuals and unique in our own ways. Changes can range from:
Instant: You feel a massive shift right away
Cumulative: Daily, weekly, monthly you will see changes
Retrospective: You think that nothing’s happened, then one day you realise life has completely changed for you, in such a beautiful way.

"focus on how far you have come not how far you still have to go”